Odarath (5 Lorestones)
ecrets of Odarath -- The people of Odarath confide in the Lorestones.
Reward: Nature's Primacy
+4% 对人类近战伤害
Yolvan (5 Lorestones)
The Fall of Castle Yolvan -- The history of Castle Yolvan and its ruin.
Reward: Yolvan's Poison

+10% 对Fae毒素伤害
Webwood (5 Lorestones)

The Widow -- The tale of the Widow and her love for Webwood.
Reward: Widow's Way
+6% 火焰伤害
Ettinmere (5 Lorestones)

The Ballad of the Bloody Bones -- The noble sacrifice of Farrara for his love.
Reward: Farrara's Zeal
+3% 近战伤害
Gorguath (5 Lorestones)
The Song of Sir Sagrell - Of Sagrell and his defeat of the Grace Thresh
Reward: Sagrell's WileHouse of BAllad的第一个任务

+6% Faeblades武器伤害
Glendara (5 Lorestones)

Dara and Diden -- How Diden crafted a lake for his unrequited love, Dara.
Reward: Diden’s Passion
+4% 生命
Haxhi (5 Lorestones)

Two Knights and a Troll -- Creth and Airmer confront the rampaging troll named Nix.
Reward: Heroes’ Wisdom
+3% 对Fae的暴击率
The Sidhe (5 Lorestones)

The Architect -- A majestic Fae creates the Sidhe.
Reward: Architect’s Inspiration
+6% 魔法值
ummer’s End (5 Lorestones)
The Cursed Kingdom -- Belmaid thwarts the Maid of Windemere’s plans to gather an army of wild Fae.
Reward: Belmaid’s Ingenuity
+6% 武器锤伤害
Dalentarth (5 Lorestones)
Oleyn, Cureseeker -- Oleyn, the humble knight, defends and heals a village of mortals.
Reward: Oleyn’s Will
+8% 毒素抗性
1. 游戏开始没多久, 出地牢同Agarth谈话后卡片系统开始使用的时候, 在通往Gorhart路上.
Castle Windemere (5 Lorestones)
The Hero and the Maid -- King Wencen is abducted by the Maid of Windemere and struggles to free himself.

Reward: Wencen’s Love
+2% 暴击率
The Wolds (5 Lorestones)

The Fading of the Fae -- The coming of mortals heralds the end of the Fae.
Reward: Fae Knowledge
+4% 生命值
Cradle of Summer (5 Lorestones)

Rise of the Morning Suns -- The three majestics are reborn in Erathell to shape the land.
Reward: Shaper’s Touch
+每次攻击的10%偷取魔法 +6% 几率偷取
Tala-Rane (5 Lorestones)

The Borrowed Lands -- The Alfar change the lands of Tala-Rane into their possessions.
Reward: Scavenger’s Luck
+3% 掉钱率
Kandrian (5 Lorestones)

The Kings of Kandrian -- The history of the line of Kandrian kings.
Reward: Blood of Kings
+20% 流血抗性
Galafor (5 Lorestones)

The Valley of Mihari -- A Fae’s thoughts and existence in the blessed valley of Galafor.
Reward: Mihari’s Blessing
+20% 生命值
The Red Marches (5 Lorestones)
Fyragnos Comes -- Why the Marches are colored red.
Reward: Fyragnos’ Wish
+20% 烧伤时间
Alserund (5 Lorestones)

The House of Valor -- The mighty deeds of Engard, the Champion of Valor.
Reward: Valor’s Shield
+5% 盔甲值
The Hollowlands (5 Lorestones)

The Flight of Saina -- Of Saina’s blessing upon the desserts, and Helios’ envy.
Reward: Divine Sacrifice
+6% 火焰抗性
Menetyre (5 Lorestones)

The Carver -- The majestic Carver creates the canyons and plateaus of Detyre.
Reward: Carver’s Labor
+6% 盔甲值
Apotyre (5 Lorestones)

Rattlesnake and Desert Runner -- Rattlesnake and Desert Runner struggle to survive
Reward: Desert Survival
+4% 生命值
The Midden (5 Lorestones)

The Gallows Tree -- A hymn to the revered tree of the Winter Fae.
Reward: Sorrow’s Benefit
+6% 流血伤害
Caeled Coast (5 Lorestones)

The Faehunter -- A mortal’s hatred of Fae becomes embodied.
Reward: Hunter’s Thoughts
+3% 远程伤害
Klurikon (5 Lorestones)

The House of Sorrows -- The Winter Fae come to Klurikon and worship their home.
Reward: Humility
-5% 盔甲的装备需求
Alabastra (5 Lorestones)
The House of Pride -- A member of The House of Pride proclaims its eternal sovereignty.
Reward: Anagnorisis
+4% 伤害抗性
Amaura (5 Lorestones)

The House of Vengeance -- The youngest House of Winter Fae disrupts the Great Cycle
Reward: Enlightenment
+1 每秒魔法恢复
haile (5 Lorestones)

Winter’s End -- The beginning of the eternal winter, and the fall of the Unseelie houses.
Reward: Nothingness
+10% 生命值
+10% 魔法值
ring (10 Lorestones)
The Parting -- The epic of Bayala Tirin’s sojourn, the separation of the Alfar, and the founding of Rathir.
Reward: Bayala’s Spring

ummer (10 Lorestones)
The Withering War -- The telling of the great war between Summer and Winter Fae.
Reward: Ysa’s Summer

+1 每秒生命恢复
Fall (10 Lorestones)
Order and Chaos -- A voice lost in the magic of the Lorestones.
Reward: Athyll’s Fall
Winter (10 Lorestones)
The Cradle of Winter -- The arrival of the endless winter and a mad king.
Reward: Gadflow’s Winter
+10% 冰冻抗性