



  •   scrla1 Wizard Eye

  •   scrla8 Contagion

  •   scrl5k Spirit Armor

  •   scrlaq Farsight

  •   scrl6p Minor Sequencer

  •   scrl1x Ice Storm

  •   scrl6n Fire Shield (Red)

  •   scrl1w Fire Shield (Blue)

  •   scrl1y Improved Invisibility

  •   scrl1z Minor Globe of Invulnerablity

  •   scrl5g Remove Curse

  •   scrl6o Secret World

  •   scrl2a Monster Summoning 2

  •   scrl6r Spider Spawn

  •   scrl1u Confusion

  •   scrl5i Greater Malison

  •   scrl5h Emotion: Hoplessness

  •   scrl6m Enchanter Weapon

  •   scrl2d Animate Dead

  •   scrl6w Oracle

  •   scrl6z Phantom Blade

  •   scrl2e Cloudkill

  •   scrl2f Cone of Sold

  •   scrlar Sunfire

  •   scrl2h Shadow Door

  •   scrl6u Breach

  •   scrl6v Lower Resistance 

  •   scrl7d Minor Spell Turning

  •   scrl6s Spell Immunity

  •   scrl8x Spell Shield

  •   scrl6y Protection from Acid

  •   scrl5t Protection from Electricity

  •   scrl6t Protection from Normal Weapons

  •   scrl7b Conjure Lesser Air Elemental

  •   scrl7c Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental

  •   scrl6x Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental

  •   scrl2g Monster Summoning 3

  •   scrl5o Hold Monster

  •   scrl5p Chaos

  •   scrl5n Domination

  •   scrl5q Feeblemind

  •   scrl7t Disintergrate

  •   scrl7h Flesh to Stone

  •   scrl8c Stone to Flesh

  •   scrl7g Tenser‘s Transformation

  •   scrl7q Improved Haste

  •   scrl7i Death Spell

  •   scrl7m True Seeing

  •   scrl7s Chain Lightning

  •   scrl7u Contingency

  •   scrl7r Death Fog

  •   scrl7k Misled

  •   scrl7v Spell Deflection

  •   scrl7f Globe of Invulnerability

  •   scrl7t Pierce Magic

  •   scrl7j Protection from Magical Energy

  •   scrl7o Protection from Magic Weapons

  •   scrl7e Invisible Stalker

  •   scrl8b Summon Nishruu

  •   scrl8a Carrion Summons

  •   scrl7w Wyvern Call

  •   scrl7y Conjure Air Elemental

  •   scrl7z Conjure Earth Elemental

  •   scrl7x Conjure Fire Elemental
